We should all take a few deep breaths, and try to center ourselves again. A nice stress releases is maybe a little bonding time with your significant other. You could get some massage oil and help each other truly relax. I don't know about you, but neither the hubby or myself ever turn away a massage, even if we're angry at each other. hahahah If you've never read a naughty novel yet, maybe now is the perfect time. We're all staying is much much more with the snow and the yucky cold, it's always nice to curl up to a book. Especially one thats easy to read :-P
EdenFantasys has so many great things about their site. If you've never checked one out yet, it's so much easier to do it online if you're scared to go into a store front. This site has many features that I really like, such as the "view actual product size" When you click that link on any of their products that might interest you, it pops up a credit card along with a $ bill and lets you see the size comparison. That's a totally awesome feature. They also list the noise level, or buzz level for example out of 5, so it makes it almost like going into a store in person to find out the info. They have video reviews on so many products there to make sure you get the best bang for your buck.
I'm getting super excited to order me some bath crystals to help us all relax in this house.
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