October 28, 2010

A little about this blogger, and my plans for this site

My name is Avery, yes like the paper company.  I'm a stay at home mom to a beautiful and awesome 2 1/2 year  old girl., and proud of it! I'm married to my best friend, and share our house with cute little animals.
I had decided, and started a blog a while back.  I guess I wasn't really focused and never made much of it.  I am going to make an effort to succeed this time around.  This will be my time, where I can go to express my thoughts of the day and anything I think might be of interest to someone else.

I am into 'crunchy' parenting stuff, such as breastfeeding {yes my daughter Jayla is still breastfeeding, and I am proud to say so}, cloth diapering, making my own cleaners,  bed sharing, using the no cry it out method, among other things but this is what 1st popped into my head.

I have reasons for why I like the things that I like if anyone feels the need to judge or challenge me.  Each family, parent, PERSON has things that works for them.  No one can tell you what will work for you, it's up to you to  figure that out on your own, and trust me you will.  I think it's time we all try to be a little more understanding of one another.  I'm sure we're all more alike than we thought, since everything has a stigma attached to it.

I love coupons, sales and deals, and freebies.  I am looking forward to be able to pass those things to you, since they make my day.  Since we are a 1 income family, and not the richest out of those, we try to make our pennies cover a lot.

Me and the hubby have been together for some time, we have had our ups and our downs just like any other couple out there.  We have worked hard at things, and other times barely tried and got along great.  I would of course like to bring to the blog.

I will be posting product reviews of things I have tried.  Honest reviews.

I know it will take time to get everything up and running the way I am hoping for.

Thanks so much for taking the time out of your day to read my blog.